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Our Farm

Foto do escritor: estudantesturismospestudantesturismosp

Atualizado: 29 de nov. de 2019

Nossa Fazenda is part of a project from Vânia and Valéria, which in 2007 decided to buy the farm to raise their 15 dogs. When they moved to the farm, they had contact with local producers and had the opportunity to take courses in sustainable agriculture, which allowed several lessons that reflect today on what life is like on the farm. They have implemented the alternative sanitation permaculture system, with bio-management tank, dry toilet, mandala garden, "water plantation" where rainwater catchment is made, a tiered plantation guarantees "springs" to feed the trees, even in times of drought. In 2007 the name of the Farm was: my farm, but over time they decided to call it Our Farm, bringing the reflection that we only have things to some extent and that at some point we can lose them, so nothing is only ours for all the time. Visiting Our Farm is an enriching experience, as is visiting Valeria's air-conditioned office 😂😍 There they receive schools and groups in the village of Knowledge, which has the structure to conduct courses and workshops. They also participate in a project that helps women to undertake, a group known as Amaras, where they practice sustainable gastronomy with 100% organic and agroecological products, and also with PANCS (unconventional food plants). Location: Av. Kayo Okamoto - Parelheiros Parelheiros, Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil

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